Give us, O God,leaders whose hearts are large enoughto match the breadth of our own soulsand give us souls strong enoughto follow leaders of vision and wisdom.In seeking a leader, let us seekmore than development for ourselves—though development we hope for—more than security for our own land—though security we need—more than satisfaction for our wants—though many things we desire.Give us the hearts to choosethe leader who will work with other leadersto bring safety to the whole world.Give us leaderswho lead this nation to virtuewithout seeking to imposeour kind of virtueon the virtue of others.Give us a governmentthat provides for the advancementof this countrywithout taking resources from othersto achieve it.Give us insight enough ourselvesto choose as leaders those who can tellstrength from power,growth from greed,leadership from dominance,and real greatnessfrom the trappings of grandiosity.We trust you, Great God,to open our hearts to learnfrom those to whom you speakin different tonguesand to respect the life and wordsof those to whom you entrustedthe good of other parts of this globe.We beg you, Great God,give us the vision as a peopleto know where global leadership truly lies,to pursue it diligently,to require it to protect human rightsfor everyone everywhere.We ask these things, Great God,with minds open to your wordand hearts that trust in your eternal care.Amen.
Sister Joan Chittister
Vision and Viewpoint
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